Blood Cancer Symptoms, Signs, Causes, And Treatments

4. Rapid Weight Loss

There are many reasons why people with blood cancer lose weight. Blood cancer can increase inflammation and disrupt hormones that control appetite. This can lead to a decrease in appetite and make it difficult to eat enough calories.

Weight loss can also be caused by medications. Patients can feel nauseous and vomit, which can lead to loss of appetite.

3. Red Spots On The Skin

Red spots usually appear on the skin of patients with blood cancer. This is because cancer causes the overproduction of abnormal white blood cells. It can also impair the body’s ability to make platelets, which are needed to seal blood vessels.

Petechiae are tiny red or brown spots on the skin. They look like bumps, but they are not bumpy. These spots are not painful. They are small and can be caused by a number of things, including leukemia.

2. Bleeding And Bruising Easily

Thrombocytopenia, also called low platelets in blood cancer, occurs when the bone marrow does not make enough platelets to stop bleeding. People with thrombocytopenia have a higher risk of bleeding or bruising.

Patients with blood cancer may have a lower platelet count because of medications and treatments. It can also be brought about by the blood cancer itself since there is a decrease in healthy blood cells in the bone marrow.

1. Frequent Infections

The immune system is a complex network of organs, proteins, and cells that work together to fight infection. Blood cancer can weaken the immune system. It may also cause the body to produce too many abnormal white blood cells, which leads to a particular type of blood cancer called leukemia.

Cancer treatments may also affect the immune system. They may destroy healthy white blood cells or lower the number of infection-fighting white blood cells.

Treatments And Care

Blood cancers form in the bone marrow, the region of the body that makes red blood cells and platelets. Abnormal blood cells crowd out the normal cells, disrupting the body’s ability to fight infections and other diseases.

Blood cancers often affect children and adults. The prognosis depends on the type of blood cancer and the patient’s overall health. Some people live with the disease for years while others are cured. The survival rate is lower than other cancers, but it has improved significantly in the past decade.

Various blood cancer treatments and care are available. Below are blood cancer treatments and care worth knowing about.

14. Maintain A Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet can help the patient cope with treatments and reduce complications. The body needs nutrients to stay strong. These nutrients can help cope with treatments and help reduce the risk of certain diseases associated with blood cancer.

Although there is no food that can treat the condition, certain foods such as vegetables can provide nutrients that can help manage the condition.

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