Diabetes (High Blood Sugar) Symptoms, Signs, And Causes

4. Unintentional Weight Loss

Unintentional weight loss in people with diabetes is caused by insufficient insulin in their bodies. Since insulin helps the body to convert glucose into energy, the absence of it causes the body to seek other sources of energy.

What happens is that the body ends up burning fat and muscle for energy. This causes the individual to lose weight unintentionally.

3. Blurry Vision

Blurry vision is another symptom of diabetes. This happens because the eye lens ends up swelling when blood sugar levels change quickly from low to normal. The shape of the eye’s lens is affected, causing the individual to have blurry vision.

In some cases, blurry vision goes away once the blood sugar levels normalize. It’s best to seek medical attention to address the issue.

2. Mood Changes

Diabetes can also affect one’s mood. The individual can experience mood swings brought about by blood sugar spikes.  The individual can feel confused, irritable, shaky, and jittery if the blood sugar levels are low.

On the other hand, the individual can feel tense, sad, angry, and nervous if the blood sugar levels are high. Poor management of blood sugar levels can lead to bad moods, which can negatively impact the quality of life.

1. Infections

Individuals with diabetes are more prone to infections since their wounds don’t heal right away or don’t heal at all. Diabetes can also affect circulation, which causes the blood to move a lot slower. When it moves a lot slower, it is unable to deliver nutrients to the wounds.

Hence, the wounds heal slowly or don’t even heal at all. This puts individuals with diabetes at risk for infections.


There are various treatments for diabetes. However, it’s worth knowing that diabetes is unique to each patient. That is the reason why treatments vary depending on the individual needs of the patient.

Nonetheless, the most common treatments for diabetes are healthy diets and regular exercise. For example, eating a fiber-rich diet can help curb hunger. Hence, the individual is less likely to consume sugar-laden foods to satisfy a craving.

Regular exercise can help control blood sugar levels since it can aid the muscles to use the glucose in the bloodstream. It can also have a positive impact on how insulin is used by the body.

Other treatments for diabetes include insulin pumps and injections, oral medications, and islet cell transplants to help the pancreas produce more insulin. Weight loss surgery may be recommended for some individuals.

To avoid the severity of diabetes, it is best to seek medical attention once these symptoms arise.