Foods That Lower Blood Sugar


Consuming fish is a great way to lower blood sugar levels. It is high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids and provides a steady supply of essential nutrients.

In addition, it reduces cholesterol levels and is a great choice for diabetics. However, you should limit your consumption of tuna to a few servings a week. It may contain mercury, so be sure to check the label of the canned variety.

Whole Grains

Eating a variety of whole grains daily can help control blood sugar levels. Refined grains are stripped of their beneficial nutrients, leading to spikes in blood sugar levels. On the other hand, whole-grain foods contain a diverse mix of nutrients, lowering blood sugar levels and improving heart health.

Eating more whole-grain foods can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Choose these whole-grain foods over refined alternatives when looking for ways to control blood sugar levels.