6 Gout Symptoms And Signs

4. Swelling

Swelling is another symptom of gout. The reason why swelling happens is because of the formation of uric acid crystals in the affected area of the body.

These uric acid crystals affect the body.  They are foreign substances or microbes.  Gout is characterized by inflammation within and around the affected joint.

Inflammation occurs when white blood cells and other anti-infection cells are deployed to the damaged area.

This can be an indication of an infection that can cause the affected area to swell.

For instance, the ankle swells and creates a burning sensation. It affects the patient’s ability to walk. Discomfort is experienced and it becomes difficult to put weight on the midfoot.

3. Joint Destruction

Gout, if left untreated, can erode and destroy joints. Repeated joint swelling is a hallmark of chronic gout.

Chronic inflammation and tophi, which are enormous visible lumps of urate crystals, can lead to irreparable joint damage, stiffness, and deformity.

Tophi may cause joint damage, bone deterioration, and cartilage degradation.

As it gets progressively more difficult to move the affected joints, gout can result in significant deformity and disability over time.

In extreme cases of chronic gout, surgical repair or replacement of damaged joints may be necessary.

2. Lingering Discomfort

When uric acid levels in the blood are excessive, crystals form around the joints.

This causes episodes to last longer and cause greater joint damage.

After the acute pain subsides, joint discomfort may linger for several days to weeks.

A gout episode typically lasts three days with treatment and up to fourteen days without it.

The patient will experience more frequent recurrences of the disease and lingering discomfort if left untreated.

1. Limited Range Of Motion

Persistent gout will always leave the joints slightly inflamed. They may become distorted with time, making movement more challenging.

As gout progresses, the patient’s natural joint mobility may be restricted.

A gout attack, which affects over 9 million Americans, can cause excruciating agony and immobility. The range of motion of the injured joint is reduced.

Treatments For Gout

There are natural gout therapies. For instance, applying a cold compress to the affected area reduces inflammation. Also, it can ease discomfort.

It is also advised to rest the affected joint till the pain decreases. The placement of a cushion beneath the affected joint may be useful.

Additionally, drinking lots of water can help relieve gout. When the body is dehydrated, the concentration of uric acid rises even more.

Staying hydrated is important to maintain appropriate levels.

Altering one’s diet is also recommended. Eliminating alcohol and avoiding fatty seafood such as anchovies, herring, and sardines can also be advantageous.

Gout can be effectively treated and managed with medical treatment. A healthcare practitioner may propose a medical treatment plan.

These are just some of the ways to manage and treat gout.