High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Treatments, Care, And Remedies

Below, you’ll find must-know information about high blood pressure (hypertension).

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition in which the force of blood against the walls of the arteries is consistently elevated. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

This condition is known to cause serious health issues such as cardiovascular disease.

High blood pressure is also commonly referred to as the “silent killer” due to the fact that you may not be aware that anything is wrong, yet internal damage occurs which is silently threatening your health.

This condition can be very dangerous if left untreated for a prolonged length of time. In some cases, it can be deadly or life-threatening.

Blood pressure measurements consist of two numbers. The systolic pressure (top value) measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts. The diastolic pressure (lower value) indicates the arterial pressure between heartbeats.

A blood pressure reading of 120/80 is considered the optimal normal range. However, readings of 130/90 and above put you in the hypertensive territory.

High blood pressure can exist without symptoms for years. Uncontrolled hypertension raises the risk of significant health complications, such as heart attack and stroke.

In some cases, it may even result in kidney damage or failure, vision loss, erectile dysfunction, or memory loss.

Regular monitoring of your blood pressure and consulting with your doctor are just some ways to avoid and control high blood pressure.

Seeking medical attention can help lower high blood pressure. Being aware of your blood pressure can help keep you on the right track.

In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe pills to help lower blood pressure.

Another critical step in preventing and treating high blood pressure is a healthy lifestyle.

Lifestyle changes such as losing weight, quitting smoking, and avoiding alcoholic beverages are just some of the few healthy lifestyle changes that can help lower high blood pressure.

While there is no known cure for high blood pressure, it can be managed and prevented.

Below are high blood pressure treatments worth knowing about.

17. Eat A Healthy Diet

Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet is a great way to reduce high blood pressure. Eating strawberries and blueberries, which contain antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins, may be particularly beneficial.

In addition to fruits and vegetables, a diet high in potassium may lower blood pressure. A medium banana can provide about 9% of the daily recommended amount. This mineral helps lower high blood pressure by easing the tension in the blood vessel walls.

16. Stay Physically Active

The best exercises for treating high blood pressure are those that increase heart and respiratory rates and strengthen the major muscle groups. These activities also help strengthen the heart and help it deliver blood to the organs.

It’s also important to follow a pre and post-workout routine. It’s best to start a workout with a warm-up, which is a 5-minute routine that will prepare the body for physical activity. By doing this, dangerous spikes in heart rate that can lead to heart damage can be avoided.

15. Maintain A Healthy Weight

Losing weight is an important aspect of the treatment of high blood pressure. Studies show that even losing 5 percent of weight can lower blood pressure.

Losing weight can help manage your hypertension by reducing the amount of fat in your body. Excess fat in your body makes your arteries stiff and difficult to pump blood. Moreover, excess weight increases adrenaline production, which can lead to serious heart conditions.

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