Mesothelioma Symptoms, Signs, Causes, And Treatments

5. Feverish Temperature

Feverish temperature can also be manifested in pleural mesothelioma. Aside from having a fever, it is also characterized by night sweats where the body is dealing with some infections brought about by the tumors.

Various cancer therapies can also cause the onset of fever. They may point to some serious infection.

4. Persistent Coughing

Persistent coughing, manifested in pleural mesothelioma, is brought about by the asbestos fibers that have been embedded in the lungs. This causes inflammation that leads to the thickening of the pleura.

Over time, the inflammation can add pressure to the lungs, causing persistent coughing.  In some cases, the cough could be dry.

3. Loss Of Appetite

Loss of appetite is another symptom of pleural mesothelioma. It is brought about by the tumors that have formed in the abdominal area. They are to blame for the pressure and buildup of fluid in the said area.

The pressure and fluid buildup bring about a feeling of bloating and fullness. This leads to loss of appetite and eventually weight loss.

2. Swollen Fingertips

Another symptom that is evident in pleural mesothelioma is the appearance of swollen fingers. This condition is specifically known as finger clubbing where there is fluid buildup in the fingers.

The excess fluid causes the fingers to become swollen and painful. In some cases, clubbing can appear on the toes as well.

1. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain in peritoneal mesothelioma is caused by the obstruction of the tumor that is pressing on the walls of the intestine. The pressure not only causes pain but swelling as well. The obstruction can also cause constipation.

If the tumor goes beyond the walls of the intestine, blood in the stool can appear.


Treatments for mesothelioma vary since it depends on the extent and type of the condition since each case is unique. Nonetheless, the most common treatments are chemotherapy. Surgery, and radiation.

Other traditional treatments include multimodal therapy, immunotherapy, and tumor-treating fields, also known as TTFields. Only a medical expert can recommend the best treatment for your condition.

Complementary and alternative treatments can also be considered. These additional treatments have become popular among cancer patients.

Examples of such treatments are herbal supplements, such as ginger, garlic, ground flaxseed, green tea, turmeric, and vitamins D and E.

In addition to complementary and alternative treatments, mind and body-based therapy can also a layer of relief for patients who are receptive to the treatment. Examples of mind and body-based therapies are meditation, hypnosis, yoga, music therapy, and ancient forms of martial arts such as Qigong and Tai Chi.

These are just some treatments that can be considered. However, it’s best to get with your family physician once symptoms arise.