Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms And Signs

5. Weakness

Feet neuropathy can affect the muscle control functions of the involved nerves. The muscles of the feet become weak, making it hard for individuals with feet neuropathy to walk. They are typically unable to walk.

Their feet may drag while walking. They may end up tripping over their own feet and experiencing cramps and muscle twitches.

4. Skin Alterations

Changes in the appearance of the skin are a frequent indication of feet neuropathy. This is because the injured nerves are unable to rejuvenate the skin, causing its color or texture to alter.

Nerve injury can affect the color of the skin over the affected area. The skin may seem pinker or redder than usual. In certain cases, the skin may seem blue or speckled. Typically, changes in hue are correlated with variations in blood flow.

3. Loss Of Balance And Coordination

Foot drop is one of the reasons why the individual loses balance and coordination. This happens when the individual feels his or her foot is dangling from the ankle. It is not in its typical walking position. This results in a loss of balance and coordination.

Usually, the skin on the top of the foot ends up numb. This condition may be treated with a foot brace.

2. Loss Of Sensation

Total loss of sensation in the feet is a late indication of feet neuropathy. There is a considerable likelihood of undiagnosed damage, which might result in a severe infection. This is common among diabetics.

Loss of sensation can cause the individual to fall. This is extremely dangerous since it can cause fractures and other injuries.

1. Severe Sensitivity

Individuals with feet neuropathy may be extremely sensitive to touch. Even the slightest contact with the afflicted area may induce pain. The sensitivity may even increase during the night.

This symptom can significantly impede daily tasks such as putting on shoes and walking. Extreme sensitivity can cause a person to endure discomfort when wearing shoes and socks. In a worst-case scenario, even a bedsheet can hurt the affected area.


Proper treatment can help manage and slow down the progression of feet neuropathy. If the cause of the feet neuropathy is known, then treatment of the underlying cause may provide relief.

Nonetheless, the most common treatments for feet neuropathy are healthy diets, physical exercise, and the intake of mineral supplements. Holistic treatments such as acupuncture may also be recommended.

A podiatrist can provide proper care and can also prescribe a variety of prescription medications that help alleviate neuropathy symptoms.

In severe situations, surgery can be performed to release the compressed and swollen nerves. A non-invasive therapy such as the MLS Laser Therapy can also be considered to treat the pain that’s caused by feet neuropathy.

These are 9 feet neuropathy symptoms worth knowing about.