Ovarian Cancer Symptoms, Signs, Causes, And Treatments

10. Changes In Bowel Habits

Changes in bowel habits can occur in ovarian cancer due to the presence of tumors or fluid buildup in the abdominal cavity. The growth of these masses can exert pressure on the intestines, leading to changes in bowel movements such as constipation or diarrhea.

Moreover, inflammation or blockages in the intestines can also result from tumors or fluid buildup, which can further affect bowel habits. Substances produced by ovarian cancer can also impact the digestive system and cause changes in bowel habits.

9. Fatigue Or Low Energy Levels

In ovarian cancer, fatigue or low energy levels can have various causes. One of the most common factors is the body’s reaction to cancer, as the immune system fights against the disease. This process can be exhausting physically and emotionally, leading to feelings of fatigue and low energy.

Moreover, ovarian cancer can affect hormone levels, leading to changes in energy levels. It can also cause anemia, which occurs when the body has a low red blood cell count, further contributing to fatigue and weakness.

8. Back Pain Or Discomfort

Back pain or discomfort in ovarian cancer can have multiple causes. One of the most common factors is again the presence of tumors or fluid buildup in the pelvic region, which can create pressure on the lower back and cause pain.

Moreover, ovarian cancer can spread to other areas of the body, including the back, which can lead to discomfort and pain. This spread can happen through the bloodstream or lymphatic system and can affect various organs and bones.

7. Swelling Of Legs

In ovarian cancer, the legs may become swollen due to multiple factors. One possible cause is pressure on the blood vessels caused by the tumors or cysts that develop in the ovaries. This pressure can cause fluid to accumulate in the legs.

Another factor that can lead to leg swelling in ovarian cancer is the overproduction of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Excessive amounts of this protein can cause abnormal blood vessel growth and fluid leakage into surrounding tissues, including the legs.

6. Shortness Of Breath

Shortness of breath is a frequently encountered symptom in the later stages of ovarian cancer, caused by a range of factors such as anemia, pleural effusion, metastasis, and the buildup of fluid in the abdomen.

Pleural effusion occurs when fluid gathers between the chest wall and lungs, compressing the lungs and causing breathlessness, while anemia results in insufficient oxygen supply to the body including the lungs.

Additionally, metastasis, the spread of cancer to other areas of the body, can also cause breathlessness. In the later stages of ovarian cancer, the buildup of fluid in the abdomen puts pressure on the diaphragm muscle, which can make it difficult to breathe.

5. Changes In Weight

It is common for women with ovarian cancer to experience changes in weight, either gain or loss. Cancer cells need substantial energy and nutrients to grow. This can lead to decreased appetite, resulting in weight loss.

Ovarian cancer can also impact hormone levels and metabolism. Changes in hormone levels and metabolism can bring about weight changes. Depending on how the individual is affected by these changes, she can either lose or gain weight. Moreover, fluid loss due to cancer can contribute to weight loss as well.

4. Pain During Sex

Pain during sex, scientifically known as dyspareunia, can be caused by various factors in ovarian cancer patients. One of the most common factors is the presence of tumors or cysts in the pelvic region, which can create discomfort or pain during sexual activity.

Hormonal changes that occur during ovarian cancer can cause vaginal dryness, leading to discomfort or pain during sexual activity.

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