Periodontitis (Periodontal Disease) Treatments, Remedies, And Care

12. Avoid Smoking

There are a lot of harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke that damage the body’s cells and connective tissues. This makes periodontitis worse and, in some cases, even leads to tooth loss. Heavy smoking has even more devastating effects. It robs the body of oxygen, which hinders the body’s ability to fight infections and heal damaged tissues.

Smoking can reduce the effectiveness of periodontal treatment. Smokers are at a greater risk for gum disease than non-smokers, which is why it is important to quit smoking.

11. Medications

Medications such as tetracycline antibiotics help prevent and treat infection in the gums. They work to reduce inflammation and they also inhibit the growth of periodontal bacteria.


Examples of tetracycline antibiotics are minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline, and hydrochloride are an important part of treating periodontitis. These are primary medications for periodontitis.

10. Tooth Scaling

Tooth scaling is a non-surgical treatment to prevent and reverse the damage caused by periodontal disease. Plaque and tartar from below and above the gum line will be removed.

This will help to prevent early tooth loss. It will also relieve the uncomfortable symptoms associated with periodontitis and help the gums reconnect with the teeth.

9. Root Planning


Root planing is a type of dental procedure that removes plaque from the roots of teeth. This procedure is a great way to prevent the formation of tartar and other harmful bacteria. It also prevents the gumline from reattaching to the tooth.

Root planing helps to make the teeth look and feel smoother. The procedure can also improve the health of the gums. It’s the next step after tooth scaling.

8. Pocket Reduction Surgery

Pocket reduction surgery is a procedure that restores the connection between the gums and the tooth roots. The procedure involves making small incisions in the gumline to gain access to the tissue underneath. This is done by creating a gum flap out of the gum that was lifted.


Once the gum flap is created, the area is disinfected and the bone is smoothed, which helps the gums grow around the teeth again. The gum flap is then sewn shut in a position that reduces the depth of the pockets.

7. Soft Tissue Grafts

A soft tissue graft is a type of dental procedure used to restore damaged gums. This procedure usually involves using tissue from other parts of the mouth. For example, the tissue could be removed from the roof of the mouth. It could then be used to create a flap to cover the exposed area.

Soft tissue grafting is an important part of the treatment for patients suffering from periodontitis. It helps to restore the gums to their healthy state and minimizes pain and discomfort. It also provides a youthful appearance to patients’ teeth and prevents the roots from becoming exposed.

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