Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) Symptoms, Signs, Causes, And Treatments

10. Proper Skin Care

Taking care of your skin is also one way to help treat psoriatic arthritis.  Proper skin care can help prevent the onset of infections that can only worsen the condition.  Keeping the skin hydrated can prevent the skin from becoming dry and itchy. Hence, there’s less temptation to scratch the skin.

Using a good moisturizer is a common way to hydrate the skin. However, it’s best to get with a doctor who can prescribe the right moisturizer and cream for proper skin care.

9. Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can help loosen tight muscles and joints. Aside from improving joint function, it can also help the swelling go down.  In addition, massage therapy can also enhance the quality of sleep.  Hence, the patient has more energy the next day.

Massage therapy can significantly alleviate the pain associated with arthritis since it can help the patient relax.

8. Acupuncture

Acupuncture may inhibit certain proteins that cause inflammation. At the same time, the system of pricking the skin with acupuncture needles helps in releasing feel-good hormones such as serotonin and endorphins.

It is also believed that adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter is released into the body as well. This can help the patient get more sleep, which is beneficial in managing the condition.

7. Acupressure

Acupressure involves the application of pressure on specific body points to control pain. Similar to acupuncture, it is an old way of treating pain and has been proven effective in improving immune function.  However, it is non-invasive since there are no needles.

Acupressure restores equilibrium to the various systems of the body. It also releases serotonin, endorphins, and adenosine which can help alleviate pain.

6. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is essential for tendon injuries because it helps to restore flexibility, builds strength in the muscles and joints, and improves general stability. It is a treatment that is considered once inflammation is under control.

While physical therapy can work alongside some medications, it can also work as a stand-alone treatment for patients with mild symptoms.

5. Weight Loss

Losing weight is a top priority for patients with psoriatic arthritis. Further treatments will be effective for them if they lose about 10% of their body weight. In addition to that, weight loss increases the effectiveness of various psoriatic arthritis medications.

Weight loss can also lighten the load on the joints. It can also help control the severity of the condition, which can lessen the risk of serious heart conditions.

4. Steroids

Steroid tablets and injections can help reduce swelling and pain by suppressing an overactive immune system. They lessen the production of proteins that cause inflammation.  Unfortunately, steroid treatments can wear off after some.

Long-term use of this treatment can cause weight gain, which is not good for the patient. It’s best to get with a doctor to get the right dosage of these treatments.

3. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

There are also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDs that can help treat psoriatic arthritis. These drugs can help lessen the pain brought about by the condition. They are good alternatives for patients who cannot take steroids.

Although are there about 20 types of NSAIDs on the market, the most common ones are naproxen, etoricoxib, ibuprofen, and etodolac.

2. Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs)

Disease-modifying anti-inflammatory drugs, also known as DMARDs can alleviate some of the pain and swelling caused by psoriatic arthritis. These medicines can help prevent joint damage since they focus on treating the cause of the condition.

These medicines can be taken for a long time, together with painkillers. However, it is best to get with your doctor to see if this particular treatment is right for you.

1. Anti-TNF Drugs

Anti-TNF drugs can help treat psoriatic arthritis by reducing inflammation. They work by blocking a protein that causes inflammation. This protein is called tumor necrosis factor or TNF.

Aside from anti-TNF drugs, interleukin inhibitors also help reduce inflammation by targeting interleukin proteins or cytokines. Hence, these pro-inflammatory proteins are not produced and released in the body in excessive amounts. These drugs can be considered if the other medications don’t work.

These are psoriatic arthritis treatments worth considering.