5. Rashes
The appearance of rashes is another symptom of scabies. These rashes usually look like small pimples on the affected part of the skin. The onset of rashes is caused by a human itch mite also known as Sarcoptes scabiei. This is a tiny mite that burrows underneath the skin.
Even if the rashes disappear; scabies could still be infected. It’s best to seek treatment upon the onset of rashes.
4. Sores
Sores are brought about by the intense scratching of the affected area. Intense scratching can lead to bacterial infection of the skin. These sores usually disappear after one or two weeks. In some cases, they disappear after a couple of months,
Unfortunately for some, the sores can dry up into a scar. The sooner the sores are treated, the fewer chances of scarring.
3. Scales and Blisters
In some cases, the rashes can manifest into scales and blisters. This happens when the burrowing mites end up leaving their poop while they are burrowing underneath the skin.
Female mites may also end up leaving the tiny eggs they lay as they create their tunnel. The feces and eggs can cause the skin to become bumpy with blisters. These blisters can become very itchy.
2. Burrow Marks
The burrow marks often appear on the skin as well. These are brought about by the female mites that are tunneling their way underneath the skin. They appear as tiny wavy, elevated lines on the skin.
Burrow marks are usually three to ten mm long. In some cases, you might even see a tiny dot at the end of a burrow mark. This is the female mite that is burrowing her way underneath the skin.
These burrow marks could be grayish-white in color. In some cases, they could be the same color as the skin.
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