Sciatica Pain Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Reliefs, And Treatments

5. Weakness Or Numbness In The Leg, Feet, Buttock Or Lower Back

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The sciatic nerve, which has its origins in the buttock region, is the longest and thickest nerve in the body. The person with sciatica experiences discomfort or pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve’s path.

Hence, it’s the reason why numbness or weakness is felt in areas such as the lower back, legs, buttocks, or feet.

4. Sensation In The Legs, Toes, Or Feet

When the sciatic nerve is compromised, the person may feel discomfort or, in more extreme circumstances, pain in their legs, toes, or feet. There may also be some discomfort or soreness at the back of the leg or legs.

Since the sciatic nerve is the longest in the body, it provides sensation in the foot and outer leg areas. Once the sciatic nerve is affected, the legs, toes, or feet may also be adversely affected.

3. Pain Worsens With Movement

Certain postures can aggravate the discomfort brought about by sciatica. Sciatica pain can get worse when the individual sits or attempts to stand for long periods.

These movements can cause the spine to bend forward or get twisted, causing the individual to experience more pain.  Pain may worsen or remain continuous when the individual is lying down. This can eventually cause sleep disruption.

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