Eating a well-balanced diet is critical for everybody. More so for people who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. A well-balanced diet can help maintain a healthy weight that keeps blood level sugars within the normal range.
This, in turn, can help reduce complications in the future. For a type 2 diabetic, eating a well-balanced diet means avoiding certain kinds of foods. What are these foods? Continue reading to learn more about them.
One of the most important things to watch when you have diabetes is the amount of sugar you consume.
This can have a dramatic effect on your blood sugar level, so it’s essential to limit the amount of sugar in your diet. Hence, the most obvious foods to avoid if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are foods that are high in sugar.
Unfortunately, this restriction extends to a long list of comfort foods such as candies, cookies, cakes, pastries, cakes, doughnuts, yogurt, ice cream, pies, and other favorite desserts. They all contain a huge amount of refined sugar, which will just add up to the excess glucose in the bloodstream.
A huge amount of refined sugar in the body can also contribute to weight gain, which will not in any way help a person with type 2 diabetes.